Wednesday 7 January 2009

Day Seven

It just went past midnight and I've just gotten home to enter the blog ... so this entry unfortunatley is registered under the 8th when it actually belongs to the 7th. Drat. I would like to make a blog with one entry for each day, no more, no less. Edit: I just discovered I can "fix" the date published - that is slightly cheating, but ohhh so convenient here :-)

Otherwise, it was an ordinary working day. A bit busy (like: very busy) and the evening was a social but company related dinner at the CEOs home with a few select (=high seniority) employees. Whilst we are a young company, less than 10 years, the average age of those present was pushing 50. Still, we wanted to remember our early beginnings so a young and recent employee - relatively speaking - was required to take notes for a sort of Company History Book, lest we ancients start to forget.

On a side note - the problem with my daughter from yesterday: There was absolutely no problems this morning. I think she had regretted her behaviour of yesterday. Well, we can all have a time when things just get "too much".

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