Saturday 3 January 2009

Day Two - Late - Already Broken

Wow. Almost a record. One New Year resolution already missed. The intention was one entry per day, med every. Well, I've got a good excuse (?) - I am visting the in-laws and I couldn't get to the pc in the evening 'cause it was in a room where someone was sleeping.

Otherwise Day Two had its moments. I got "cheated", or was outmanouvered if you will, by a used car dealer that was buying my old car. Last year I got a company car. Of course I got less than I expected, but I couldn't be bothered to hardball. You can only trade/bargin/barter if you you're not already mentally commited to completing the deal. I just wanted to get rid of the car. So I in effect gave a 18% discount on the auction price the car had achived on a web auction, which only hurt my pride.

Also I had to admit I am incompetent at assembling a pc. This happened last year, but the non-functioning pc was handed in to repair/rebuild yesterday (Day Two) and in a week or so I will pay my "tuition fee" in just how much I managed to damage. When assembling a pc (with CPU chip and all) you need to have a antistatic surface - I just could not be bothered to set it up, and assembled the pc on an ordinary dinnertable, with carpet on the flooring just to make it better. It also helps to read the instruction manual how the chip is mounted - I did not. (I have done this before, and hey - how hard can it be? Well, this chip/motherboard was different). In the fight to get the fan assembly fitted to the motherboard (damn hard push to get the spring assembly to latch) I needed to take the fanassembly off a few times to see what was wrong and thus lifted the chip (before I got i mounted correcly) and touched it several times. And just to top it off, on of the memory SIMMS wasnt inserted all the way down.

To my relief it did boot. It ran stable enough whilst I istalled windows but after a few hours became more and more unstable with crashes (always in the graphics driver) and in the end even crashed whilst doing the BIOS POST. I'll probably end up paying twice for this machine. Last year, when I bought all the parts, and now again when they have replaced most of them to get it running.

Enough about that.

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